The Finance Committee acts as an advisory body to the Governing Body. The major financial decisions of the college are considered and finalised by it.

Recommendations of the Purchase Committee are placed to the Finance Committee for approval. It also considers and approves the periodical budget estimations, fixation/review/revision of fees, audited accounts, remuneration under college recruitment and any other matter involving financial flows of college funds.

 Members : 


Mr Baiswanor Chatterjee

President,Governing Body, Heramba Chandra College


 Dr Nabanita Chakrabarti

 Principal, Heramba Chandra College

Governing Body Member

 Mr Prithwish Kumar Roy

 Associate Professor, Prafulla Chandra College

Governing Body Member

 Dr Prabal Dasgupta

 Associate Professor, Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose College

Teachers' Representative

 Dr Jayanta Ghosh

 Associate Professor, Heramba Chandra College 

Teachers' Representative

 Ms Sharmistha Dasgupta

 Bursar & Associate Professor, Heramba Chandra College 

Non-teaching Representative

 Mr Ratan Kumar Kanjilal

 Cashier, Heramba Chandra College