For the Students

Heramba Chandra College places a strong emphasis on instilling a sense of responsibility and discipline in its students, recognizing their integral role in the teaching-learning process. The College upholds a well-defined Code of Conduct that extends beyond the campus, aiming to mould students into morally and socially responsible citizens at both national and global levels. Adherence to the Code of Conduct is mandatory for all students, ensuring the maintenance of strict discipline within the college and fostering an academic environment conducive to growth. The key aspects of the Code of Conduct include the following.

1. Students are expected to display reverence for the National Heritage, National Flag, and National Song, promoting a sense of patriotism.

2. A respectful demeanour towards the Principal, teachers, non-teaching staff, and fellow students is imperative. Abusive language or behaviour that dishonour the institution is strictly prohibited.

3. Students are required to adhere to the attendance rules stipulated by the University of Calcutta, attending classes regularly and punctually.

4. Active engagement in outreach programmes, extracurricular activities and sports is encouraged.

5. Smoking and drinking within the college campus are strictly prohibited, contributing to a healthy and focused academic atmosphere.

6. Carrying the issued identity card within the college premises is mandatory, serving as proof of the student's status and containing essential information.

7. Any form of ragging is strictly prohibited, in line with UGC guidelines. Students must submit an anti-ragging declaration, and incidents should be promptly reported to the Anti-Ragging Cell.

8. Students are responsible for maintaining cleanliness on the campus, including toilets. The college is a plastic-free zone, and any littering is subject to fines determined by the administration.

9. Discrimination based on caste, creed, or religion is intolerable.

10. Abiding by the rules and regulations of the College Library, as detailed in the prospectus, is mandatory.

11. Students must handle college property, including furniture, laboratory equipment and library books, with utmost care.

12. Decent dressing within the college campus is desirable.

13. Cell phones and electronic gadgets are not allowed during class lectures, practical classes, and are strictly prohibited in the examination hall.

14. Students are responsible for the safety of their personal belongings.

15. Involvement in college activities such as seminars, workshops, training programs, certificate courses, and observance of national events is encouraged and appreciated.

16. The college campus is under CCTV surveillance, underscoring the importance of maintaining a secure and accountable environment.

For the Teachers

The Code of Conduct for teachers of Heramba Chandra College aims to create an optimal environment for teaching, learning, and the well-being of learners, aligning with the broader goals and identity of the college. Key aspects of the Code of Conduct include the following.

1. Teachers must adhere to a responsible pattern of behaviour consistent with community expectations, managing private affairs with dignity, especially in the context of online digital social media communications.

2. Seeking continuous professional growth through study and research is encouraged.

3. Teachers are expected to perform their teaching duties, including tutorial, practical, and seminar work, as well as actively participate in educational responsibilities such as advising, counselling, and examination-related activities.

4. Actively participating in professional meetings, seminars, conferences, maintaining active membership in professional organizations, and contributing to the improvement of education and the profession is expected.

5. Involvement in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, including community service, is encouraged.

6. Teachers should respect right and dignity of students, eliminating discrimination based on religion, caste, political affiliation, economic status or social background.

7. Teachers should recognize differences in aptitude and capabilities among students, striving to meet their individual needs.

8. Teachers should encourage students to improve their attainments, develop their personalities, and contribute to community welfare.

9. Teachers should inculcate a scientific outlook and foster respect for physical labour, as well as ideals of democracy, patriotism, and peace.

10. Teachers should focus on assessing students based on merit, paying attention to academic performance.

11. Teachers should be available to students beyond class hours, offering guidance without expectation of remuneration.

12 Everybody should treat colleagues with respect, speaking respectfully of others and rendering assistance for professional betterment.

13. All teachers should cooperate in formulating institution policies, accepting responsibilities as committee members, and working towards the betterment of the institution.

14. When availing leave, teachers should keep in mind their responsibility for completing the academic schedule.

15. Teachers should give due respect to non-teaching staff, treating them as colleagues and equal partners for the smooth functioning of academic and administrative tasks.

16. Teachers should maintain contact with guardians, sending reports of student performance when necessary, attending meetings convened for this purpose, and collecting feedback for mutual exchange of beneficial ideas.

17. Teachers should work to improve education in the community, collaborating to strengthen moral and intellectual values. They should be aware of social problems and participate in activities conducive to societal progress.

18. Teachers should actively work for national integration, avoiding behaviours that promote feelings of hatred or enmity among different communities.

19. Teachers should be avoid gender discrimination, encouraging equal opportunities for all.

20. All teachers are expected to contribute to upholding an ethos dedicated to caring for the environment, reflecting the institution's commitment to environmental consciousness.

For the Non-teaching Staff

All non-teaching staff at Heramba Chandra College are expected to adhere to a specific Code of Conduct outlined by the college. Key aspects of the Code of Conduct include the following.

1. Non-teaching staff should demonstrate loyalty and sincerity towards the policies of Heramba Chandra College.

2. Staff members are required to be honest and punctual in the execution of their professional duties. Engaging in activities unrelated to college duties during working hours is strictly prohibited.

3. Any leave must be availed with prior intimation, adhering to institutional regulations.

4. Non-teaching staff should refrain from engaging in political or anti-secular activities within the college premises.

5. They are expected to maintain a professional demeanour, avoiding ill-mannered, antagonistic, or rude behaviour towards non-teaching colleagues, teaching staff, and students.

6. Non-teaching staff bears responsibility for the protection of college equipment and furniture, ensuring their proper use and maintenance.

7. Staff members must respect the confidentiality of certain matters, such as examination-related documents or any other confidential college documents.

8. There should be no display of biases towards gender, caste, or religion in any aspect of their professional conduct.

9. In times of difficulty, non-teaching staff should seek the assistance of both teaching and non-teaching staff rather than taking independent actions.